
Publications of specific relevance to

Lin T, Wang Z,
Wang W and
Sui Y (2021).
A neural network-based algorithm for high-throughput characterisation of viscoelastic properties of flowing microcapsules. Soft Matter vol. 17, (15) 4027-4039.
Song J, Liu F,
Sui Y and Jing D (2021).
Numerical studies on the hydraulic and thermal performances of trapezoidal microchannel heat sink. International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 161,
Lin T, Wang Z, Lu R,
Wang W and
Sui Y (2021).
A high-throughput method to characterize membrane viscosity of flowing microcapsules. Physics of Fluids vol. 33, (1)

Cheng Y, Shen Y, Liu D, Xu J and
Sui Y (2020).
Numerical analysis of bubble bursting at the liquid surface by wave propagation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 152,
Shen Y, Cheng Y, Xu J, Zhang K and
Sui Y (2020).
Theoretical Analysis of a Sessile Evaporating Droplet on a Curved Substrate with an Interfacial Cooling Effect. American Chemical Society Langmuir: The Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00850
Ma J, Wang Z, Young J, Lai JCS,
Sui Y and Tian FB (2020).
An immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for fluid-structure interaction problems involving viscoelastic fluids and complex geometries. Elsevier Journal of Computational Physics vol. 415,
Ma Y, Cheng Y, Shen Y, Xu J and
Sui Y (2020).
Manipulation of bubble migration through thermal capillary effect under variable buoyancy. International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 149,
Raman KA, Birgersson E,
Sui Y and Fisher A (2020).
Electrically induced droplet ejection dynamics under shear flow. Physics of Fluids vol. 32, (3)
Jing D, Song J and
Sui YI (2020).

Wang Z,
Sui Y,
Wang W, Barthѐs-Biesel D and Salsac A-V (2019).
Path Selection of a Spherical Capsule in a Branched Channel. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics vol. 16, (S2) 42-43.

Zhang B, Liu D, Cheng Y, Xu J and
Sui Y (2018).
Numerical investigation on spontaneous droplet/bubble migration under thermal radiation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 129, 115-123.
Xu YQ, Jiang YQ, Wu J,
Sui Y and Tian FB (2018).
Benchmark numerical solutions for two-dimensional fluid–structure interaction involving large displacements with the deforming-spatial-domain/stabilized space–time and immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann methods. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science vol. 232, (14) 2500-2514.
Wang Z,
Sui Y, Salsac AV, Barthès-Biesel D and
Wang W (2018).
Path selection of a spherical capsule in a microfluidic branched channel: Towards the design of an enrichment device. Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 849, 136-162.
Cheng Y, Wang F, Xu J, Liu D and
Sui Y (2018).
Numerical investigation of droplet spreading and heat transfer on hot substrates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 121, 402-411.

Yuan QZ,
SUI Y, Jiang JH and Zhao YP (2017).
Dynamics of Dissolutive Wetting: A Molecular Dynamics Study. American Chemical Society Langmuir 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b011542016

Wang Z,
Sui Y, Salsac AV, Barthès-Biesel D and
Wang W (2016).
Motion of a spherical capsule in branched tube flow with finite inertia. Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 806, 603-626.
Tian F-B,
Sui Y, Zhu L, Shu C and Sung HJ (2016).
Computational Methods and Models in Circulatory and Reproductive Systems. Hindawi Comput Math Methods Med vol. 2016, 9028409-9028409.
Raman KA, Jaiman RK,
Sui Y, Lee T-S and Low H-T (2016).
Rebound suppression of a droplet impacting on an oscillating horizontal surface. Physical Review E vol. 94, (2)
Cheng Y, Xu J and
Sui Y (2016).
Numerical investigation of coalescence-induced droplet jumping on superhydrophobic surfaces for efficient dropwise condensation heat transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 95, 506-516.
Tian F-B, Wang W, Wu J and
Sui Y (2016).
Swimming performance and vorticity structures of a mother-calf pair of fish. Computers & Fluids vol. 124, 1-11.

Wang Q, Liu W, Zhang AM and
Sui Y (2015).
Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid in contact with a rigid boundary. Interface Focus vol. 5, (5)
Sui Y and Spelt PDM (2015).
Non-isothermal droplet spreading/dewetting and its reversal. Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 776, 74-95.
Cheng YP, Xu JL and
Sui Y (2015).
Numerical study on drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement in microchannels with superhydrophobic surfaces for electronic cooling., Editors: Xu .
Applied Thermal Engineering 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.10.0582014
SUI Y (2014).
Moving towards the cold region or the hot region? Thermocapillary migration of a droplet attached on a horizontal substrate. Physics of Fluids vol. 26,

Low HT, Ju M,
Sui Y, Nazir T, Namgung B and Kim S (2013).
Numerical Simulations of Deformation and Aggregation of Red Blood Cells in Shear Flow. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering vol. 41, (4-5) 425-434.
Wang Z,
Sui Y, Spelt PDM and
Wang W (2013).
Three-dimensional dynamics of oblate and prolate capsules in shear flow. American Physical Society Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 88,
Sui Y, Maglio M, Spelt PDM, Legendre D and Ding H (2013).
Inertial coalescence of droplets on a partially wetting substrate. Physics of Fluids vol. 25, (10)
Sui Y and Spelt PDM (2013).
An efficient computational model for macroscale simulations of moving contact lines. Journal of Computational Physics vol. 242, 37-52.
Sui Y and Spelt PDM (2013).
Validation and modification of asymptotic analysis of slow and rapid droplet spreading by numerical simulation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 715, 283-313.

Ding H, Li EQ, Zhang FH,
Sui Y, Spelt PDM and Thoroddsen ST (2012).
Propagation of capillary waves and ejection of small droplets in rapid droplet spreading. Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 697, 92-114.
Sui Y, Teo CJ and Lee PS (2012).
Direct numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in periodic wavy channels with rectangular cross-sections. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 55, (1-3) 73-88.
Sui Y, Lee PS and Teo CJ (2011).
An experimental study of flow friction and heat transfer in wavy microchannels with rectangular cross section. International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 50, (12) 2473-2482.
Cheng YP, Lee TS,
Sui Y and Wang LP (2011).
Numerical simulation of 2D lid-driven cavity flow with CLEARER algorithm on extremely highly skewed grids at high Reynolds numbers. International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 65, (10) 1201-1216.
Sui Y and Spelt PDM (2011).
Sustained inertial-capillary oscillations and jet formation in displacement flow in a tube. Physics of Fluids vol. 23, (12)

Chen XB,
Sui Y, Cheng YP, Lee HP, Yu P, Winoto SH and Low HT (2010).
Mass transport in a microchannel enzyme reactor with a porous wall: Hydrodynamic modeling and applications. Biochemical Engineering Journal vol. 52, (2-3) 227-235.
Chen XB,
Sui Y, Lee HP, Bai HX, Yu P, Winoto SH and Low HT (2010).
Mass transport in a microchannel bioreactor with a porous wall. J Biomech Eng vol. 132, (6)
Sui Y, Low HT, Chew YT and Roy P (2010).
A front-tracking lattice Boltzmann method to study flow-induced deformation of three-dimensional capsules. Computers and Fluids vol. 39, (3) 499-511.
Sui Y, Chen XB, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT (2010).
Numerical simulation of capsule deformation in simple shear flow. Computers and Fluids vol. 39, (2) 242-250.

Low HT,
Sui Y, Chew YT and Roy P (2009).
The transient deformation of red blood cells in shear flow. Modern Physics Letters B vol. 23, (3) 545-548.
Chen XB, Yu P,
Sui Y, Winoto SH and Low HT (2009).
Natural convection in a cavity filled with porous layers on the top and bottom walls. Transport in Porous Media vol. 78, (2) 259-276.
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT (2009).
Inertia effect on the transient deformation of elastic capsules in simple shear flow. Computers and Fluids vol. 38, (1) 49-59.

Cheng YP, Lee TS, Low HT and
Sui Y (2008).
Implementation of CLEARER algorithm on three-dimensional nonorthogonal curvilinear coordinates and its application. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals vol. 54, (1) 62-83.
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT (2008).
A hybrid method to study flow-induced deformation of three-dimensional capsules. Journal of Computational Physics vol. 227, (12) 6351-6371.
Sui Y, Low HT, Chew YT and Roy P (2008).
Tank-treading, swinging, and tumbling of liquid-filled elastic capsules in shear flow. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 77, (1)
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P, Cheng YP and Low HT (2008).
Dynamic motion of red blood cells in simple shear flow. Physics of Fluids vol. 20, (11)
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT (2007).
Effect of membrane bending stiffness on the deformation of elastic capsules in extensional flow: A lattice Boltzmann study. International Journal of Modern Physics C vol. 18, (8) 1277-1291.
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P, Chen XB and Low HT (2007).
Transient deformation of elastic capsules in shear flow: Effect of membrane bending stiffness. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 75, (6)
Sui Y, Chew YT and Low HT (2007).
A lattice Boltzmann study on the large deformation of red blood cells in shear flow. International Journal of Modern Physics C vol. 18, (6) 993-1011.
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT (2007).
A hybrid immersed-boundary and multi-block lattice Boltzmann method for simulating fluid and moving-boundaries interactions. International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 53, (11) 1727-1754.